Yoga Therapy Workshop – The Mind, the Emotions and Your Body

According to Yogic philosophy, the mind and body are not separate but one. When we try to eliminate the ailments of the body without taking in to consideration our mental health, we will only be dealing with half the story. Each of us has a story of our lives that has led us to where … Read more

Spring Equinox Yoga

Emerging from the winter months of quietness and stillness, we begin to welcome back the warmer and longer days at Spring Equinox. This is a time where the dark and light meet as equals and a time where nature begins  to transition from stillness to activity, regrowth and balance. Our movement and posture practice will … Read more

Winter Solstice Yoga

Person standing in snow with arms raised in front of rising sun.

The Winter Solstice is the time of year where we experience the shortest day and longest night. It is a time for going inwards, for nurturing and recognising that to be fully active in our world we need to take time to nourish ourselves, to become quiet and focus our attention on inner growth and … Read more